Hearcare  INC., & Associates - Sherman & Gainesville, TX

Small robot made of old tech is suggesting those with old hearing aids upgrade to new digital hearing aids.

That out of date ear horn is absolutely not cutting-edge and has to be replaced. It’s usually tricky to recognize whether your hearing aids really should be replaced. You bought your hearing aids a decade ago, and they still manage to work, right?

Older hearing aids may be better than none, but what’s the real cost of not upgrading. In the past couple of years, hearing aid technology has come a long way. 10 years ago many advanced functions weren’t even in design phases. Since then we’ve changed from analog to digital, for starters. It’s absolutely time to consider an upgrade. Give some thought to several reasons why.

Your Old One is Not Reliable

Older or maybe even cheap hearing aids come with many problems including that aggravating buzzing you hear every now and then. It’s not very enjoyable when you go close to a phone and your outdated hearing aids begin to feedback. Then for no apparent reason at all, it begins to make noises. What caused it this time?

You Can’t Keep Denying That Your Hearing Aid Usually Fails When You Need it The Most

It’s not unusual for you to sit by yourself and miss the good discussion. How distressing was that time your grandson sang you a tune he learned but you could only hear bits and pieces? But you still clapped.

If you don’t make the upgrade to new hearing aids, you will keep having all of these issues. The attention a decade ago was on increasing the volume. Nowadays, hearing aids accomplish awesome tasks such as filtering out background noise. So say goodbye to that air conditioner noise. It was not even that loud.

Old Technology Can End up Costing You More

One consideration when buying new hearing aids is certainly cost. Wearing old dated hearing aids won’t be any cheaper than buying new ones ultimately. Analog devices require new batteries a lot. If you are changing the battery daily, or even more often than that, the cost adds up.

Don’t forget the repair costs with older technology. You can compare it to an old truck. Repair services are costly when your hearing aid is in the shop more than it’s in your ear.

Smart Technology Gives us a Huge Advantage Over Out of Date Devices

Bluetooth capability is a major feature in new hearing aid technology. Old analog devices don’t have that. With the new Bluetooth technology you hear the tv, Your cell phone, or your computer with your hearing aid.)

Communication is The Key to Living

Studies show that loss of hearing often means a lower pay-rate. Doesn’t it make sense then, that quality hearing aids would certainly be a career advantage? You will hear your boss and customers better. No more stress over whether you may have lost crucial information, or whether your hearing aids will quit at the worst time.

And everyone knows that quality communication is the foundation of quality living. No more getting stuck in the middle of discussions that you can’t even hear. Jump in and engage with the people all around you.

You Would Really Like Your Hearing Aid to be Cooler

When you look in the mirror at your out of date hearing aid, what words come to mind? Awkward? Obvious? Seriously?? When you upgrade your older hearing aids you have the significant advantage of greater flexibility and refined style. There is a never-ending range of personalizations available with contemporary hearing aids including size, color, and shape. If you would like to make a fashion statement, choose a custom color, or maybe choose one that is invisible inside the ear.

How do You Know If the Time Has Come For an Upgrade

Now you are aware of all of the reasons to upgrade your hearing aids. However, some telltale signs will reveal that your hearing aid is an antique:

  • Your ability to hear has changed. you’re not hearing as well as you once did even with the hearing aid in place.
  • Your lifestyle has changed, and your hearing aid has a hard time keeping up. It’s a pain to remove it just so you can talk on the phone, or maybe you’ve changed jobs and now you need to manage more background noise.
  • Your hearing aid keeps quitting. It just isn’t reliable now, and that’s a big concern.
  • You know for sure that your hearing aid is not digital. Ouch, go digital fast.
  • Your hearing aid feels heavy. Clunky, older technology weighs a lot.
  • Your hearing aid is all you see when you look in a mirror. That old technology takes up a lot of space, too.
  • You are replacing the batteries constantly. Modern hearing aids are more energy efficient and have rechargeable batteries.

It’s not rocket science. If you’ve had your hearing aids for more than seven years, it’s time to trade up and hear better. Contact a hearing aid professional to get started.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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